I am putting together a collection tentatively entitled Street Preachers: An Exercise in Critical Thinking. It’s going to be a collection of short stories of encounters with street preachers and other conversion efforts, with perhaps a few short dissertations on the topic.
If you can write a compelling contribution, I’ll include it in the book. I’ll split the royalties 50-50 between myself and all the contributors.
If anyone interesting in contributing could get in touch with my by November 15th, 2010, that would be best.
Thanks, and please consider letting others know about this opportunity!
I am wondering, did anyone take up this offer and did the project produce anything? I am sorry that I missed this (not paying enough attention it seems.) I am suddenly curious.
I got a few “maybes” but no external contributions. They are still welcome, however, and if I get a real contribution, maybe I could try again (and harder) to stir up some interest in the project. If nothing else, we could do a guest post.