Tag Archives: Cult

Support John Travolta leaving Scientology: #supportTravolta

The rumors are probably true: John Travolta is scared of leaving Scientology, though its bad science and pseudo-medicine may be the ultimate cause of his son’s death.

The “church” has been long known to tell secrets about members when they leave or expose the “church” for what it is. The secrets are gained and written down during one-on-one “auditing” sessions (for which members must pay). L. Ron Hubbard’s son explained their especial favorite is sexual encounters and fantasies — and it’s a rare adult (not to mention movie star) who hasn’t had a potentially embarrassing sexual encounter or fantasy. The process of leaving would be very hard for Travolta, as it would be in any cult, but especially in this one.

That’s where we come in. If everyone can tweet a message of support with the hashtag #supportTravolta, we may be able to give him the courage he needs to do what he knows is best. By using the hashtag #supportTravolta, we are indicating our belief that, no matter what allegations the “church” may leak, they can’t be as bad as being a Scientologist. We know it’s not easy to leave, and we won’t spread negative rumors should they come out — instead, we will only congratulate John for doing an extremely difficult and important thing by leaving the cult of Scientology!

Click here to show your support!

Note: @JohnTravolta is not a verified account, so don’t bother messaging it.